Health Insurance ASAP: What You Need to Consider

PM Questions to Ask Betty

Ninja Betty welcomes you to this week‘s installment ofAsk Betty!, Episode 139, where we will discuss the complexities involved in IF and HOW to establish Health Insurance ASAP, in response to a question from special guest OTA_Tammy.

Health insurance can be a tricky matter to understand, however, Ninja Betty is here to break it down in a simple and understandable way.

Q from YOU to Ninja HQ

I have an upcoming doctors appointment, how soon do I need to get coverage in place?”

Can I Get Health Insurance ASAP?

At the beginning of this week‘s episode, Ninja Betty acknowledges OTA_TAMMY for submitting a great question and kindly emails her a $25 Amazon gift certificate for taking the time to participate.

She then begins to explain 3 factors we should consider in regards to OTA_Tammy’s upcoming doctor’s appointment.

3 Factors for Finding Health Insurance ASAP

Ninja Betty responds to OTA_Tammy, explaining that the answer to this question depends on what type of coverage is needed.

If temporary coverage for a doctor‘s appointment is all that‘s needed, then as long as the appointment is after the first of the next month, there is enough time to get coverage in place.

However, if there is testing or a procedure that must be covered, additional factors such as time of year, deductibles, and outofpocket maximums might need to be taken into consideration. Ninja Betty offers to have an indepth private conversation with OTA_TAMMY in order to go over their specific needs in greater detail.

Health Insurance ASAP

First - Specific Needs For Health Insurance ASAP

First, it is important to understand the TYPE of coverage that is needed. If it is for JUST a doctor‘s appointment, then as mentioned earlier, so long as the appointment is after the first of the next month, enough time is typically available to get coverage in place.

BUT could you potentially be advised to have blood work done?  Or perhaps a cat scan or MRI?  Could you even need surgery?

If labs, imaging, or a procedure needs to be covered, then the time of year, deductibles, and maxoutofpockets all need to be taken into consideration.

With a Need for Health Insurance ASAP - Next We Check Cost

Next, it is important to consider the cost of coverage. Health insurance can be expensive depending on the type of coverage and the number of people and/or family members that will be covered.

Some factors to keep in mind when looking at the cost of coverage are deductibles, copays, prescription drug coverage, and outofpocket maximums.

Final Check on Health Insurance ASAP

Lastly, it is important to look at the quality of the coverage. It is important to understand the basics of what the plan covers and if there are any gaps in the coverage. Additionally, it is important to look at the network of providers to ensure they accept the particular type of insurance plan.

This is ESPECIALLY true if you could potentially require other services besides just an office visit.

In conclusion, when it comes to establishing health insurance coverage there are many factors to consider. It is important to understand the TYPE of coverage that is needed, be mindful of COST and cost factors, and be aware of the EFFECTIVENESS of the coverage.

Ninja Betty hopes with this week‘s episode ofAsk Betty!, and those to follow, that all health insurance questions can be answered in a simple and understandable way.

💵 Don‘t forget if you would like to submit your question for a chance to earn a $25 Amazon gift card, then submit your question via Facebook PM for a chance to be featured in an upcoming episode ofAsk Betty!.


Ask Betty!

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PM your insurance question to Ninja Betty via our Facebook Business page (here).

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