Injuries Happen: The Urgent Need for Health Insurance Coverage

PM Questions to Ask Betty

Injuries happen to everyone! Even healthy people STILL need health insurance!

Welcome to this week’s episode of “Ask Betty!”, where your favorite Ninja answers all your health insurance questions. We’re thrilled to have Donavan Deavers with us today, who has submitted a great question. Donavan, thank you so much for your contribution! Check your inbox because we’ll be sending you a $25 Amazon gift card as a token of our appreciation.

Q from YOU to Ninja HQ

I’m not even 30 AND perfectly healthy, how can insurance help me?

Injuries Happen All the time, But Are Healthy People More Injury Prone?

Donavan Deavers, it’s fantastic to hear that you’re under 30 and in perfect health. Having no medical conditions is truly a blessing. However, did you know that studies actually show that healthy individuals are at a higher risk of accidents? 

Healthy People Can Break An Ankle Too

Let me illustrate this with an example – imagine you break an ankle. Without insurance, the total cost would be an overwhelming $35,220.

Now, let’s consider employer coverage. You would first pay your deductible and then share costs with your insurance until you reach the max-out-of-pocket. So if your deductible is $2,000 and the max-out-of-pocket is $6,550, your total cost for this broken ankle would be capped at $6,550.

Injuries Happen: Healthy People More Accident Prone

Lower Your Out-of-Pocket Costs to $500 - Or Less

But wait, there’s more! With private insurance offering a $0 deductible and supplemental injury benefits, your grand total could be as low as $500 or even less!

Even Healthy People Should Hedge Their Risks for When Injuries Happen

It’s surprising how expensive an injury can be without proper insurance coverage. We’re glad that this information has been eye-opening for you, Donavan Deavers. We encourage you to schedule a consultation now so that you can make an informed decision about your health insurance needs.

Claim $25 For Your OWN Insurance Question

Remember everyone: if you have any health insurance questions on your mind, don’t hesitate to send us PM today! If we choose your question for an upcoming episode of “Ask Betty!”, we’ll send you a generous $25 Amazon Gift Card as our way of saying thank you for being a part of this incredible community!


Ask Betty!

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PM your insurance question to Ninja Betty via our Facebook Business page (here).

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