Welcome to this week’s episode of “Ask Betty!”, Episode 151, featuring PPO NETWORKS. This week we’re answering a question from GA_stat about why everyone seems to want a PPO Network. In order to answer this question, it’s important to look at what a PPO Network is and the benefits it offers.
Understanding High Deductibles & PPOs: What You Need to Know
Welcome everyone to the 150th episode of “Ask Betty!” We’re so excited to be bringing you helpful advice, information, and tips about all things health insurance. Our question today comes from Gary_S.
The Ultimate Guide to Nationwide PPOs: What You Need to Know
This week we are looking at the question of whether someone who is young and healthy needs to consider getting a nationwide PPO plan. This is an important question that many people who are younger and healthier may not think they need. However, there may be some benefits that can come with having a nationwide PPO plan.