Student Loan Forgiveness can be the answer to many nurses struggling with debt. There is hope for relief through student loan forgiveness programs specifically designed for healthcare professionals. These programs aim to alleviate the financial strain of loans and incentivize nurses to work in underserved areas or in high-need specialties. By taking advantage of these […]
Health Insurance Ninjas®: A New Era with a US Trademark
The Health Insurance Ninjas®: A New Era with a US Trademark Long-awaited milestone ushers in a new era of growth and expansion for the company. The Health Insurance Ninjas®, a national health insurance agency specializing in individual and family health plans, announced today that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has officially registered “The […]
Travel Nurses Tax Facts & Unexpected Injuries: What To Know!
November 2023 Monthly Chart This! Newsletter Are you prepared for the weather change? ⛄ How about the Holidays? We’ve been working behind the scenes to get you some valuable resources to make crossing into 2024 even better! Our highlighted episode of the Ninja News Flash, we’ve got a great resource on how to make the […]
Injuries Happen: The Urgent Need for Health Insurance Coverage
Injuries happen to everyone! Even healthy people STILL need health insurance! Welcome to this week’s episode of “Ask Betty!”, where your favorite Ninja answers all your health insurance questions. We’re thrilled to have Donavan Deavers with us today, who has submitted a great question. Donavan, thank you so much for your contribution! Check your inbox […]
How to Make the Most of Your Travel Nurse Salary
As a travel nurse, you have the unique advantage of potentially earning a significantly higher salary compared to staff nurses. This increased income presents an opportunity to better manage your finances and set yourself up for a secure financial future. Adam Ranum, a financial advisor who specializes in helping travel nurses, simplifies complex financial concepts […]
Car Accidents & Health Insurance: What You Need To Know
Car accidents and health insurance how do they work together? Welcome to this week’s episode of “Ask Betty!”, where all your puzzling health insurance questions are answered by your favorite Ninja, Ninja Betty! We’re so excited to have you here, OR_Olivia_OR! Thanks for submitting such a great question, and as a token of our gratitude, […]
Uncover the Hidden Secrets: Tax Deductions for Travel Nurses Travel Nurses and Tax Deductions – Don’t Get Caught in Red Tape Navigating travel nurse taxes can be quite challenging. With filing in multiple states and dealing with unique concepts like per diems, it’s crucial to stay informed. Here are nine tips that will make the process easier, save you money, and ensure you […]
Open Enrollment: Everything You Need to Know About 2024
Open Enrollment! Time to Review YOUR Coverage Let’s Connect with a Quick Call Open Enrollment is finally here! We’ll double-check that your current coverage will work for YOUR needs in 2024! Claim a 5-Minute Time Slot TODAY! 🕞 Beat the Open Enrollment rush! 💨